When the winds of change blow, some people build walls, others build windmills” ~Chinese Proverb
As my students entered the house today, each shivered a little and made a comment about the weather – the wind is gusting and there is a brisk coolness to the air. Fall has arrived and with it a bluster of action readying ourselves for the close of the year – holiday festivities, school exams, vacations, and family visits. It can all seem a bit dizzying sometimes.
In the ancient science of Ayurveda, Fall is the VATA time of the year. VATA represents the elements of Air and Ether. The wind is strong, the air is cool and dry and life is sooo… busy. Are you the person who walls themselves in and waits until the winds have passed or do you ride the force of the winds for all they are worth? This depends on who you are and who you were born to be. Those whose bodies, minds, and emotions are like the wind – flexible, quick, open to change, always looking for options and on the move, may see this time of year as just another challenge to take head-on. If this describes you, be mindful of the symptoms of VATA overload: lack of focus, constipation or gas, numbness / tingling, sharp and inconsistent pain (especially in the lower back), difficulty falling asleep.
The good news is, according to Ayurveda, you can help you find your balance by simply adding in activities and foods which ground you so that you can harness the energy of the winds without getting blown away. Stay warm and establish routines and rituals. Do not overexert or overstimulate yourself. Favor foods and smells that are sweet, heavy and warm. Avoid raw or cold foods / beverages, erratic habits of eating and exercises, going to bed too late, watching TV or viewing a computer screen late into the evening.
Today we began working on balance and moving within your base of support rather than stiffening and holding on. When we bring our awareness to what our reactions are to the things in life which throw us off balance a little, we come from a grounded and safe place. Much like a young, healthy tree, we may sway, but we will not fall over or break.
If you would like to learn more about VATA and Ayurveda, check out this website or many others which are easily found online and consider scheduling a Ayurvedic Counseling Session here at the studio to determine what your dosha-type is, signs and symptoms of imbalance, and recommendations for a personalized, balanced lifestyle.